⚠ This page is outdated. For more recent information have a look at the english original.
Bibliothèque de Polices
This is a list of all fonts available in Ink/Stitch. They can be used with the Lettering tool.
You can click on each font to gather more information and see lovely examples of real life usage for each particular font.
This library is kept up to date and may also include fonts which are only available in future releases. Please refer to the corresponding font page.
Abécédaire | 10.5mm - 28.0mm
Abril En Fleur AGS | 89.6mm - 168.0mm
AGS Γαραμου Garamond | 17.6mm - 33.0mm
Ambigüe | 13.5mm - 54.0mm
Aventurina | 12.0mm - 30.0mm
Brockscript | 40mm - 100.0mm
Califragilistic | 56.25mm - 150.0mm
Cats | 28.0mm - 60.0mm
Chicken Scratch | 15.2mm - 22.8mm
Chopin Script | 30.64mm - 45.96mm
Cogs_KOR | 30.4mm - 45.6mm
Colorful | 24.5mm - 70mm
CooperMarif | 45.0mm - 270.0mm
Coronaviral | 19.8mm - 24.2mm
Decadent Flowers Monogram | 96.0mm - 240.0mm
DejaVu Serif | 15.84mm - 29.7mm
Digory Doodles Bean | 16mm - 32mm
DinoMouse 72 | 9.0mm - 54.0mm
Fold Ink/Stitch | 80.0mm - 600.0mm
Glacial tiny 60 AGS | 2.8mm - 8.4mm
コリンの書き方 | 10.0mm - 40.0mm
InfiniPicto | 49.0mm - 140mm
Ink/Stitch Masego | 16.7mm - 25.05mm
Invercelia | 256.0mm - 960.0mm
Kaushan Script MAM | 23.2mm - 58mm
Learning Curve | 10.8mm - 24.0mm
Lobster AGS | 15.84mm - 29.7mm
Malika | 11.5mm - 34.5mm
Manuskript Gothisch | 24.5mm - 49.0mm
Marcellus SC FI | 25.2mm - 180.0mm
Milli Marif Bold | 15.0mm - 28.0mm
Monicha | 20mm - 30.0mm
Nick Ainley | 8.5mm - 25.5mm
Perspective Tricolore KOR | 28.8mm - 90.0mm
Pixel 10 | 25.0mm - 75.0mm
Sacramarif | 13.12mm - 24.6mm
Shojumaru | 8.0mm - 40.0mm
Sunset | 27.5mm - 82.5mm
TT Directors | 9.25mm - 25.9mm
TT Masters | 9.25mm - 25.9mm
Violin Serif | 22.4mm - 33.6mm
Western light | 26.5mm - 79.5mm
Meli Melo de polices Ink/Stitch en pleine action
De nombreux exemples de polices brodées sont inclus dans les fiches de détails sur les polices. Certains brodés par des experts, d’autres par de presque complets débutants. Utiliser le lettrage est très simple, beaucoup plus facile que de digitaliser soit même un texte pour la broderie.