This page is outdated. For more recent information have a look at the english original.


We want to describe every possible function with text, images, and/or videos. We also want to provide instructions about the installation process and give an overview of the best workflow. Additionally, we want to provide sample files which other users can make use of. It also would be nice to get some example images of embroidered designs to prove what Ink/Stitch is able to do.

Another, yet quite incomplete, part of the documentation will be to help other developers get started diving into the code, and enable them to introduce new functionalities to Ink/Stitch or whatever they might come up with.

Get involved

This website needs a lot of care, generating new content and updating existing content with the ongoing developement of Ink/Stitch. We could use any helping hand.

You do not need to know how to build a website, since we use Markdown for text formatting. All files needed to build the website can be found in the gh-pages-branch GitHub.

If you have an interest in helping with the documentation, file an issue on github and tell us that you are willing to help.

Working with Github-Pages

Github-Pages makes use of Jekyll, a static page generator. It is also possible to install it locally for test purposes. For instructions see their website. We are using the Minimal Mistakes Theme, with very few customizations.

Basic File Structure

  • _collections/_posts/language news
  • _collections/_docs/language documentation
  • _collections/_tutorials/language tutorial main pages
  • _collections/_tutorial/language specific tutorials
  • _collections/_developers/language developer documentation
  • _pages/language static pages such as about, terms or sitemap
  • assets/language media files (images) and website styling (css)
  • _data/navigation_language.yml data for every navigation found in the website

Changing Existing Files

Change the content as you wish. Style your text with markdown, which is also used with Github issues, etc.

Before saving the file, please also change the date on top of the page.

Adding New Files

Docs, Tutorials, Developers

When adding new pages please be aware of the numbering in the file name (for docs and tutorials).

Numbers are set to allow us to use previous/next links below the article for navigation. They also apply to the sidebar menu structure, which you also should update when adding new pages.

Changing file names will not prevent the website from finding the files, since they use permalinks. So you can go ahead and change the numbers to your needs.

Every page should start with something like this:

title: "Some Title"
permalink: /unique/permalink
excerpt: "Small description of what the document is about"
last_modified_at: yyyy-mm-dd # e.g. 2018-05-05
toc: true # set to false or delete if you don't wish to display a table of contents

Posts (News)

File names for posts follow a certain structure. They should be named like this:

Every post should start with the following entry:

title:  "Some News"
date:   yyy-mm-dd
categories: news-category

Additional Functions


Adding galleries has become really simple: upload files into a new folder within /assets/images/galleries/. Then add:

{% include folder-galleries path="new-folder-name/" %}

wherever you want to display a gallery containing new-folder-name’s content.

If you want to provide preview images for faster loading, add -th to filename. E.g. image.jpg would use image-th.jpg as its preview. Both files have to be in the same folder as specified in the include statement.

Categorising tutorials

Tutorial files in the _tutorial folder should contain some keywords in the header to describe the particular tutorial. This could look like this:

permalink: /tutorials/applique/
title: Applique
last_modified_at: 2018-05-11
excerpt: "Applique example file"
image: "/assets/images/tutorials/samples/Applique Color Change.svg"
language: en
  - Sample File
  - Text
  - Running Stitch
  - Fill Stitch
  - Satin Stitch
  - Applique
user-level: Beginner

These categories then can be used to list tutorials with a specific keyword, e.g.

{% include tutorials/tutorial_list key="stitch-type" value="Fill Stitch" %}

would display a list of all tutorial files which have “fill stitch” specified in their header.

They can also be used to display a full list of categories. In this case, categories need to be specified by every call of tutorial lists. Example:

{% assign tutorial_cats = 'Tutorial Type*Stitch Type*Techniques*Field Of Use*User Level' | split: '*' %}
{% include tutorials/display_tutorials tutorial_cats=tutorial_cats %}