Using a single tartan on several letters and have much fewer thread changes
Tartan fonts yield very colorful results, but to get them one must change threads very often. It is very easy to get a slightly less colorfl result (with a single tartan on all letters) with muchh fewer thread changes.
For instance, writing PRIMAVERA with Emilio 20 Tartan yields :
But if instead one uses a single tartan for all letters
one get a very easier stitchout
Much fewer color changes. But some long jumps in between letters. This method is best used with a machine that cuts thread.
Checking “Cut after” in the tartan fill parameters windows (not tartan extension, but params) will then do the trick.
It is quite easy:
- Use Emilio 20 Tartan font
- Select all Tartan Fill (this are all the red fills, you may select one and then use Inkscape > Edition > Select Same >Fill Colo
- Inkscape > Parh > Combine
- Move the resulting shape so that it is embroidered first.
- Ink/Stitch > Tools : Fill > Tartan and chose your own settings.
You may also use a different fill on the combined shape, in particular a linear gradient fill