⚠ This page is outdated. For more recent information have a look at the english original.
Aventurina contains 142 glyphs :
!”#@’()+,- ./01234567 89:;=?@ABC DEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVW XYZabcdefg hijklmnopq rstuvwxyz~ ¡¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇ ÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒ ÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ Þßàáâãäåæç èéêëìíîïñò óôõöùúûüýÿ Œœ
At 100%, Aventurina is approximatively 20 mm tall (3/4 inches)
It may be scaled up to 150% (aprox. 30mm , 1.25 in) or scaled down to 60% (approx 12mm, 0.5 in)
In real life:
Bookmark, Hand towel…..