⚠ This page is outdated. For more recent information have a look at the english original.
Roman AGS
Roman AGS
This font contains 102 glyphs : !”@’()+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzÄÆÖÜßàáâäæçèéêëîïôöùûüŒœ
Roman AGS Bicolor
At 100%, these fonts are approximatively 28 mm (1 inch) tall . They may be scaled up to 130% (approx. 37 mm, 1.5 inches) or down to 80% (approx. 22 mm, 0.8 inch).
Using the two fonts together
Whenever a glyph is present in both fonts, the design shape and size of the glyphs are exactly the same. It is therefore very easy to use them together:
- Do a lettering of the whole text unsing Roman AGS only
- Do a letterng using Roman AGS bicolore with the only the letters you wish to be bicolors.
- Put each bicolor letter exactly on top of the corresponding monocolor letter
- Hide those monocolor letters
Color sorting
If you use bicolor letters, you may wish to color sort. It is possible, providing the sorting respects the relative order inside each letter. This is a way to do it