Manual Setup for Linux and macOS

A manual setup will allow you to edit the code while running the extension.

How to Install Ink/Stich ManuallyPermalink

We recommend to use pyenv with python 3.8.

1. Clone the extension sourcePermalink

git clone
git clone

2. Python DependenciesPermalink

A few python more modules are needed. In some cases this extension uses features that aren’t available in the versions of the modules pre-packaged in distributions, so we recommend installing them directly with pip.

python -m pip install -r inkstitch/requirements.txt

3. Prepare INX filesPermalink

Now we need to create the files for the Inkscape menu

cd inkstitch
make manual

When you later add or change a template file for Ink/Stitch extensions, simply run

make inx
cd ~/.config/inkscape/extensions
ln -s /path/to/inkstitch

5. Run Inkscape.Permalink

Changes to the Python code take effect the next time the extension is run. Changes to the extension description files (*.inx) take effect the next time Inkscape is restarted.


ImportError: No module named shapelyPermalink

If Ink/Stitch returns ImportError: No module named shapely, then it is likely the version of Python used by Inkscape and the version you installed the Python dependencies for above are different.

  • Open the file preferences.xml.
    The location can be found under Edit > Preferences > System > User preferences
  • Close Inkscape before editing the file.
    It will otherwise be overwritten when Inkscape closes.
  • Search for the term <group id="extensions" /> and update to the correct Python interpreter.

    Example: Use <group id="extensions" python-interpreter="/usr/local/bin/python3" /> where /usr/local/bin/python3 is the value returned by which python3.