Running Ink/Stitch from Command Line

Ink/Stitch extensions can be run from command line.

Example command line code


For example if you want to do export your file into a zip-archive (with a dst, pes and threadlist file) you can run the following command:

./inkstitch --extension=zip --format-dst=True --format-pes=True --format-threadlist=True input-file.svg >

Stitch Plan

Here an example of outputting a stitch svg for two specific elements, which will hide the original design layers, display the needle points and is positioned right on top of the original design.

./inkstitch --extension=stitch_plan_preview --id=path1 --id=path2 --move-to-side=False --layer-visibility=hidden --needle-points=True input.svg > output.svg

Inkscape command line options

For a full manual on inkscape command line options check out their man page

Please note, that you can also access inkstitch combined with other inkscape actions. You can view the full list of available actions through

inkscape --action-list