

Select the objects you wish to see in a simulated preview. If you want to watch your whole design being simulated, select everything (Ctrl+A) or nothing.

Then run Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Simulator and enjoy.


Simulation Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys Effect
space start animation
p pause animation
speed up
slow down
+ one frame forward
- one frame backward
Page down Jump to previous command
Page up Jump to next command

It is also possible to zoom and pan the simulation with the mouse.

Stitch Plan Preview

Run Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Stitch Plan Preview.... Instead of applying the stitch plan, you can also use the Live preview option. Then you don’t need to undo your changes afterwards. If you apply the stitch plan, you will have the ability to inspect it and adapt your design as you wish. Use the Undo Stitch Plan extension to remove it afterwards.


  • Design layer visibility defines the visibility of the original design layer.
    • unchanged leave it as is
    • hidden hide the original design
    • lower opacity display original design with lower opacity
  • Render Mode

    This feature will be part of an upcoming Ink/Stitch release. It is not yet integrated in Ink/Stitch.

    • Simple: simple line drawing
    • Realistic: Realistic preview output as png image into the canvas (8-bit)
    • Realistic High Quality Realistic preview output as png image into the canvas (16-bit)
    • Realistic vector (slow) Vector output with realistic filters

      Slow means, that it has the capability to slow down Inkscape after the rendering process and even may make it freeze. So use with care on complex designs and save your design before you render the stitch plan.

  • Move stitch plan beside the canvas Displays the preview on the right side of the canvas. If not enabled,the stitch plan will be placed on top of your design. In that case you may want to update your design visibility to eather hidden or lower opacity.
  • Needle points displays needle points if enabled
  • Lock make stitch plan insensitive to mouse interactions (makes it easier to work on the actual design while the stitch plan is active)
  • Display command symbols
  • Overide last stitch plan

    This feature will be part of an upcoming Ink/Stitch release. It is not yet integrated in Ink/Stitch.

    If checked the new stitch plan will replace the previous one, uncheck if you wish to keep the previous stitch plan

Stitch plan beside canvas
Stitch plan beside canvas
Layer visibility set to hidden
Layer visibility set to hidden
Layer visibility set to lower opacity
Layer visibility set to lower opacity
Needle points enabled | disabled
Needle points enabled | disabled
Example image from OpenClipart

Undo Stitch Plan

Using a stitch plan overlay with hidden or lower density elements helps to get a visual idea of how the design will look in the end. Sometimes it can be helpful to keep the stitch plan as a visual help while working on new elements. But for the export or for changes at existing elements during the workflow you will need the original elements back. Delete the stitch plan, unhide original elements or reset the opacity to normal isn’t a lot of fun. This extension is meant to help with this workflow.

Run Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Undo Stitch Plan Preview

Density Map

  • Select objects if you want the density map only for some objects, otherwise run without any selection
  • Run Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Density Map
  • Set color ranges and apply
  • Inspect (zoom in)
  • Undo with Ctrl + Z

This will display red, yellow and green dots on top of your elements so you can identify areas of high density easily.


  • Red / yellow markers

    Define up from many stitches in which radius should dots should be colored red or yellow

  • Design layer visibility

    Define if Ink/Stitch should leave the design layer unchanged, hide id or lower opacity

  • Indicator size

    Define the size of the dots in document units

This feature will be part of an upcoming Ink/Stitch release. It is not yet integrated in Ink/Stitch.

Display stacking order

This feature will be part of an upcoming Ink/Stitch release. It is not yet integrated in Ink/Stitch.

This extension inserts numbered labels for selected elements into the document to visualize the stitch order.

  • Run Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Display stacking order....
  • Choose font size
  • Click on apply

Display stacking order

Information about the print pdf preview are collected in an other section: more info about the pdf export