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An open-source machine embroidery design platform based on Inkscape Ink/Stitch aims to be a full-fledged, cross-platform embroidery digitizing platform based...


Get Involved

This section will provide information for developers, translators and documenters. Please visit the particular sections to get more information.

Developing Ink/Stitch

Ink/Stitch Organization The plugin code as well as the pyembroidery repository can be found within the Ink/Stitch organization on GitHub.

Multiversion Install

Installing multiple versions of Ink/Stitch can become very handy while development.

Coding style

We’re excited that you’re interested in contributing to Ink/Stitch’s code! Thanks for reading this guide.

Manual Build: Apple Silicon

This is an instructional guide how to build Ink/Stitch locally. The manual install for developers is described in the manual setup section.

Manual Build: Older macOS systems

This is an instructional guide how to build Ink/Stitch locally. The manual install for developers is described in the manual setup section.


Pyembroidery is a python library for the reading and writing of embroidery files.


We want to describe every possible function with text, images, and/or videos. We also want to provide instructions about the installation process and give an...


The goal of the Ink/Stitch project is to put free, high-quality embroidery design tools in the hands of folks that might normally not have access to such too...

Download Statistics

Ink/Stitch v3.1.0 (2024-07-27) Linux (DEB | RPM | SH | TAR.XZ) macOS (Monterey + | Catalina +) Windows...

Ink/Stitch XML Namespace

This page contains a description of all metadata tags and embroidery attributes. See the namespace github discussion. Namespace Declaration <svg> a...


Basic Usage

Try the following steps in order to test the extension and to learn the basic functionality.

Stitch Library

Ink/Stitch stitch types can be roughly divided into three sections: stroke, satin and fill.

Manual Stitch

What it is In manual stitch mode Ink/Stitch will use each node of a path as a needle penetration point, exactly as you placed them.

Visual Commands

Visual commands can be used to specify additional information on how to embroider your design. They can be used e.g. to tell the machine to trim the thread a...


Cutwork in machine embroidery describes a technique, where specific needles are used to cut holes into the fabric. These needles come mostly in a set of four...

Font Tools

A collection of tools suitable for font creators or those who want to add additional fonts to the Ink/Stitch lettering tool.


The params dialog is one of the main features of Ink/Stitch. With this dialog you control how your elements will be stitched out. Along with many other detai...


The preferences are found in Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Preferences.

Tools: Satin

Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Tools: Satin include a number of useful helpers, making it easy to work with satin columns.

Thread Color Management

Inkscape supports the usage of color palettes. Color palettes help Ink/Stitch to define color names and save additional information such as thread manufactur...

File Formats

Ink/Stitch supports many embroidery formats. It can import and export files to the formats listed below.


Ink/Stitch can apply custom threadlists to an embroidery design. This is especially useful, if you want to work on existing embroidery files which do not sup...


Ink/Stitch Lettering Tool Ink/Stitch comes with a lettering tool, which generates nicely routed embroidery text.

Inkscape Tips

Inkscape Basics These are the basics you should understand in order to use Ink/Stitch. If you have never used Inkscape before, we recommend following an Inks...

Machine Database

Note: As you can see, this database is just in planing. Don’t take the data serious at this point.


If Ink/Stitch doesn’t exist in your language or you discover a spelling error, inform us via GitHub or read how to translate Ink/Stitch yourself.



This feature will be part of an upcoming Ink/Stitch release. It is not yet integrated in Ink/Stitch.


Font Library

Abecedaire Abril En Fleur AGS AGS Γαραμου Garamond Ambigüe Amitaclo ...

Font Library

This is a list of all fonts available in Ink/Stitch. They can be used with the Lettering tool.



less than 1 minute read

Applique example file

Life Flower

less than 1 minute read

Auto route running stitches


1 minute read

Using Sashiko extension with autoroute runningstitch

Contour Fill

less than 1 minute read

Sample file for contour fill

Cookie Cutter Tiling

6 minute read

Using Tiling LPE, clipping path and autorouting to achieve Pattern Fill

Embroidering The Inkscape Logo

less than 1 minute read

This is a screencast showing how the inkscape-embroidery extension is used to create an embroidery design.


less than 1 minute read

Fringe example file

Hoop Template

less than 1 minute read

Template for multiple hoop sizes


less than 1 minute read

Puff example file

Ripple bird

less than 1 minute read

Sample file of ripple stitch and guided fill bird

Ripple Iris

less than 1 minute read

Sample file: Ripple Iris

Ripple Tinkerbell Woman

less than 1 minute read

Sample file: Tinkerbell Woman as sample of Pattern Stitch and Ripple Stitch

Stitch Path Optimization

5 minute read

Optimising the stitch path is one of the most important subjects in embroidery. Learn how Ink/Stitch can assist you with the task.


Sock Hoop

If you own a 3D printer or a laser cutter but your embroidery machine is not capable to embroider on socks, you will be very interested in this project.


Hoop Template Template for multiple hoop sizes ...